I’m not gonna sit here and go out of my way to lie about my husband and jeopardize my job and integrity.

So I’m just going to lay this out straight. My husbands Christian family who I called family that I love and am blessed for My husband and his family showed me God and the truth. But specifically his mother PHYLLIS NASH believes I his wife should be BLAMED for his death. With whatever lies that were told to her. As in “I poisoned him” living across the country for months as he is literally poisoning himself with drugs. Which is not only insulting, nonsensical but extremely hurtful coming from people I literally considered MY family.  

First , ALL drug addicts are delusional manipulative liars, ALL of them. Period. If you disagree. Read damn a book, watch the news, or talk to someone in recovery. They start out by lying to themselves every.single.day by continuing to use substances drugs/alcohol to cover past childhood traumas/hidden demons from within themselves to suppress feelings and have no way to cope with their feelings and were never taught to. There is a genetic factor at least 60% of the time. And probably more…Facts.

Drug addiction is a disease. My husband was a drug addict. He had Substance Misuse Disorder. How do I know!!? Well he pretty much told everyone. And to not recognize this, is just plain ignorant. You can’t help people who can’t help themselves.simple. Regardless of teaching / preaching kids to be “drug-free” while still using.

And it’s people just like THIS are exactly WHY drug addiction has such a stigma. People and families like you! either by denying or blaming..I stead of advocating and  I see it! And I have no problem calling it out. How about Instead of a raising “go fund me” money for basically nothing ?!

How about raising money to HELP addicts take accountability and go through recovery on HIS behalf , after all this WAS part of his testimony, while still using. That has to account for something

SO instead of placing blame on his wife who loved him more than anything , wanted a family and spend the rest of my life with AND  also someone who’s helped hundreds in recovery take accountability and not ENABLE them. Like most families do. Sorry It’s not doing anyone any favors.

But what do I know?! I know all the lies that were told about me, and about his family. Anyone who knows me , knows what’s up and is  NOT blinded by something they just refuse not to see “because they can’t accept the fact” someone faced Drug addiction.

You can’t help someone who clearly doesn’t want help. some people do and some people don’t. That’s clear in todays world . I have helped hundreds , maybe more on a bigger scale of peoples lives and have been in the field my whole life for 17 years .

Im still grieving of course but I also do my part everyday to help fight the stigma and help those who actually want help or at least try to do well in recover and get back their families and kids….What do you do?